Safe Microwave Popcorn

Enjoy a wholesome popcorn snack full of rich antioxidants and fiber in just 2-3 minutes! Our NEW Silicone Microwave Popcorn Popper is the perfect solution if you love the convenience of microwave popcorn but could do without the chemical-laden bags.

Packed with Antioxidants

Research from the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania has found that popcorn contains as many, if not more healthy antioxidants than fruits and vegetables. According to Joe Vinson, PhD, who presented the findings to the American Chemical Society, "popcorn may be the perfect snack food." This study reveals that popcorn is unusually rich in antioxidant compounds called polyphenols, which have been long associated with combating cancer. Vinson's study measured the exact amount of polyphenols in popcorn and found it contains about twice as much as fresh sweet corn or fruit per serving! In most fruits and veggies, polyphenols are diluted up to 90% because of their high water content. On the other hand, popcorn only contains about 4% water so the polyphenol concentration is higher. In fact, the hulls (what can get stuck in your teeth) are packed with polyphenols and fiber. Vinson calls them "nutritional gold nuggets."

Safe Microwave Popcorn 

To conveniently enjoy the only snack that's 100% unprocessed whole grain, try our Silicone Microwave Popcorn Popper. Made from platinum silicone, it's completely plastic-free. Simply add the corn kernels, stick it in the microwave, and 2-3 minutes later, you'll have a healthy, wholesome snack! Dishwasher-safe, this silicone popper collapses when not in use for easy and efficient storage.

See How it Works