week two photo challenge

Love is the secret ingredient packed into every home-made school lunch. Choosing wholesome ingredients = love. Sending a note or special treat = love. Including something you made or grew yourself = love. Acknowledging your child’s preferences and honoring their dislikes = love. Even making them pack it themselves = love.

So, what does a love-packed lunch look like in your family? (Or love-enriched breakfast if you don’t pack lunches.)

Your idea or image doesn’t have to be Pinterest-worthy to win. Creativity counts, but a genuine heartfelt description goes a long way, too. Share your ideas and inspire others. In the end, kids will be happier with their lunches and everybody wins.

Each entry earns 100 impact points for your school. Invite friends to support your school and like your photo. Vote (“+1”) other photos with ideas that inspire you.

Week 2 Challenge has ended but points still support your school in the Challenge.

Winners of $500 for your school + $100 MightyNest Gift Card will be announced shortly!

  • 2 community winners: photos with the most “+1” votes
  • 2 MightyNest editor's picks
  • 1 randomly selected photo from all submissions

Giveaway Details: One prize per school in Week 2. Submissions and votes received through September 20th, midnight CDT count toward the weekly prizes. Impact points earned on any action in week 2 continue to tally towards the $10,000 grand prize.

Note: if you're having trouble getting your image to load it may be that the photo is too large. Try saving it to a JPEG no larger than 2048 in height or width.